The Moxie Books Blog

Where’s Your Writing At?

Wherever you are on your book writing adventure, you’ll find what you need here…

Just Getting Started?

What to do if you’re just starting out on your Author Adventure: planning, preparation, and dealing with your Inner Dickhead



  • How Talking To Your Clients Helps You Beat The Blank Page

    Ever had insomnia? Not just a little trouble sleeping, but the twitchy, panicky, staring into the void teetering-on-the-edge of madness insomnia?

    Every now and then, it feels like you’re poised on the knife-edge of sleep—so you grab at it, wildly, desperately, only to feel sleep slip away, leaving you grinding your teeth.

    To me, that’s what the Blank Page Of Doom feels like sometimes. When I have the seed of an idea I can’t quite hold onto—or too many ideas, boiling across my brain too swift to catch.

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  • Episode 186: Why We’re Killing The Podcast

    Think of your introduction as a sales letter for the rest of your book. Your reader is thinking, subconsciously, “What’s in it for me? Why should I give up my valuable time to read this book?” You need to convey that in your introduction. Here's how...

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  • Episode 185: How To Beat “Writer’s Block”

    Think of your introduction as a sales letter for the rest of your book. Your reader is thinking, subconsciously, “What’s in it for me? Why should I give up my valuable time to read this book?” You need to convey that in your introduction. Here's how...

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  • It’s a one-person kitchen dammit

    I'm often asked where I get all my ideas for writing from, and how I can keep telling stories. People wonder when they'll get hit by the inspiration fairy.

    Truth is, you won't be.

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  • Always picked last

    When you see competitors doing well, it feels kinda like getting picked last.

    Why aren't they choosing me? Why them? What do they have that I don't? I know my products and services are better, so why am I picked last?

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  • Episode 184: The 10 Commandments of Writing a Book

    Think of your introduction as a sales letter for the rest of your book. Your reader is thinking, subconsciously, “What’s in it for me? Why should I give up my valuable time to read this book?” You need to convey that in your introduction. Here's how...

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  • Episode 183: You Do You, Boo

    Think of your introduction as a sales letter for the rest of your book. Your reader is thinking, subconsciously, “What’s in it for me? Why should I give up my valuable time to read this book?” You need to convey that in your introduction. Here's how...

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  • Write Your Book’s Introduction In 3 Simple Steps

    Think of your introduction as a sales letter for the rest of your book. Your reader is thinking, subconsciously, “What’s in it for me? Why should I give up my valuable time to read this book?” You need to convey that in your introduction. Here's how...

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