Day 5: What song will you drop everything to dance to?

Day 5: What song will you drop everything to dance to?

The question “what’s your favourite song” drives me around the bend because dammit how do you choose one?

For a start, it depends what I’m doing, what mood I’m in, etc.

But I definitely have a handful of songs that stop me in my tracks and make me shake my butt.

Or wave my hands in the air like I just don’t care.

Or bounce.

Bon Jovi’s Livin’ on a Prayer will have me on my feet waving my arms.

You Can Do It by Ice Cube will get me moving my butt.

And The Wonder Stuff’s The Size of a Cow will have me pogo-ing in place every single time.

How about you? What gets you up and moving, or doing the armchair shuffle?

Set a timer for 5 minutes and spill.

Happy writing!



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Notes in the Margin

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