The Moxie Books Blog

Where’s Your Writing At?

Wherever you are on your book writing adventure, you’ll find what you need here…

Just Getting Started?

What to do if you’re just starting out on your Author Adventure: planning, preparation, and dealing with your Inner Dickhead



  • Planting seeds, pavement cracks, and an Author Showcase

    Have you ever created something and then just thought it’s the best thing you’ve ever done?

    That's sort of how I feel about MicroBook Magic.

    Back in November 2022, when the world was starting to get back to normal after all the Covid lockdowns, I realised something was changing.

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  • Feck perfuction

    Beauty lies in the gaps. In the imperfections.

    Because the imperfections are what makes life interesting.

    The way the trapeze spins slightly faster than you were anticipating, so your movement quality changes almost imperceptibly and surprisingly, and your face makes a different shape to the one you were planning — but it works.

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  • Don’t make me plan – I just wanna start

    One of my MicroBook Magicians asked me this week — what if I don’t feel like planning today? What if I just want to dive right in? I want to write write write but I know I need to research some stuff!

    And to that I say: HURRAH!

    Fill yer boots, because there is no wrong way to write a book.

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  • There are (almost) no straight lines in nature ❄️

    Progress is never linear.

    It never takes us in a straight line from bad to good to excellent.

    It’s a wiggle.

    I’d like to think the wiggle trends upwards but we have to give it time to do that. Two data points aren’t enough, because that gives us the illusion of a straight line but it’s not, really.

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  • We need to talk about authenticity 😬 🫣

    When literally everyone with a megaphone on social media tells us we must be authentic, our true and unedited selves, or we’ll fail at business, life, and the 100m relay, try this instead:


    Nobody wants our 100% true and unedited and authentic selves.

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  • Through tinted glasses

    I am currently obsessed with the TV show New Amsterdam.

    It’s fabulous brain-out beautiful people in unlikely storylines telly.

    But it also gets me thinking about perspectives, and how we badly need stories from people who don’t look, sound or live like us.

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  • How to create writing inspiration on tap

    My friend, if you’ve ever thought you need inspiration to strike in order to write your book, LET ME TELL YOU about inspiration.

    We’ve been sold a lie by antique romantic poets who — let’s be honest — were all off their tits on opium.

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  • Things that are good for your brain 🧠

    Some things are just good for your brain.

    No matter what’s going on inside it, what illnesses or challenges or mental health issues we may have — some activities are magic.

    Like…Walking among trees. Moving your body. Human contact. Journalling.

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  • Manifestos, fried eggs, and silly names [Friday Goodie Bag] 🍳 🤡

    You’re doing great! Did you know that?

    Because I know what humans are like, and our brains focus on all the things we haven’t done, rather than cheering about the things we have done — here’s a little Friday game for you.

    Name 3 things you’re proud of yourself for this week. I’ll go first...

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  • How to become a professional lurker 👀🙈

    According to Hootsuite, businesses spend about $1,600 on Facebook ads A MONTH!

    There are good, smart, and seemingly rich people out there paying Meta a mortgage payment to ensure they can keep their business at the forefront of everyone's minds.

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  • Abracadabra! 🪄✨

    One of the reasons people don’t write books

    (and I know this to be true because they tell me)

    is that the idea of writing a book is just Too Big.

    And I totally understand that; I’ve written several books and they are Very Big. But I write for a living; it’s literally what I do.

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  • I want to write my bloody first draft

    “You’re an author? That’s so cool!”

    “I self-published it, it’s not in Waterstones or anything,” I replied.

    I had this conversation — paraphrased, natch — a few years ago, just after I wrote my first book. I felt uncomfortable with the praise, like publishing it myself was pure vanity.

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  • Tantrums to Titles 👠

    Tantrums to Titles: that was the name of the talk I gave yesterday at Circle Networks Live24.

    I stood up in front of a couple of hundred people…

    Shared some of my favourite book writing wisdom…

    And was beyond delighted when so many people said their big takeaway from the day was that they wanted to write a book of their own!

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  • Googly eyes on the side of a caucasion hand

    Ever wondered if your book idea (or you) is too... weird?

    Like — you look at all the nonfiction and business books out there, and yours doesn’t seem to fit?

    Maybe your face doesn’t fit, or your voice seems too brash, or your story seems a bit too out there compared to others in your niche...

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  • Forget the word count and just write

    Writing isn’t a measuring exercise you know.

    Nobody cares that your book has 4,392 pages, Gerald.

    Actually, they do, and they probs won’t read it because that sounds like a CHORE.

    Look: whoever told you a nonfiction book has to have 300 pages and 90,000 words was WRONG.

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  • 8 weeks to turn “idea” into “manuscript” 💭 📖

    You see yet another “viral” post on LinkedIn or Instagram or wherever you choose to doomscroll in which someone says something so eyeball-grindingly obvious and shallow about your area of expertise you CANNOT EVEN and yet they’ve got 1,826 likes and 97 comments.

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  • What people THINK writing a book is like… 🌸 💀

    Come with me. Lemme lift the tablecloth and usher you into the den.

    Because you might be wondering: what’s it actually like to write a book?

    Well, tbh I don’t know what it’s like for you… but I can tell what it ISN’T like.

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  • Tiny but powerful 🥊 🐭

    One of the first books I ever read when I became a copywriter, in my first iteration of being a business owner, was A Technique for Producing Ideas by James Webb Young.

    It’s a teeny tiny little book of just 60-odd pages, a handful of which are (slightly overblown) prefaces by ad industry dudes.

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  • Are you a plotter or a pantser? 🗺️

    There are approximately 8,193 notes in my Notes app. Even more in my Notion.

    I’d say more-or-less 48% of them are lists. Plans. Plots, if you like.

    I live my life via lists, plans, and plots, or nothing would ever happen. They’re comforting and they make me feel like I’m making progress.

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  • I want to write my bloody first draft

    Every time I sit down to write it’s like whack-a-mole: which obstacle is my brain gonna chuck in the way today? Who knows? It’s a surprise!

    One consistent blockage, though, is my arrogant and pathological need to write a brilliant first sentence.

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  • Embrace boredom because that’s where magic happens

    If you want to write a book and you’re not doing it, your problem isn’t that you don’t have time. It’s not that you need more info. And you definitely don’t need another £49 “how to write a bestseller in a week” template. Your problem is that you are not permitted to be bored.

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  • Ep44 - Write Your Way to a Better Work Story

    When I used to have a job, I often wondered why it sucked so much.
    Of course, part of the problem was me and my attitude. Part of the problem was my undiagnosed AuDHD.

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  • Doing a nice thing

    Sometimes I work the pole. Or the trapeze.

    Meaning, gutterface, that I practice and teach trapeze and pole dancing and it’s really good fun.

    One of the funnest parts, for me, is watching people go from “I can’t do this” to “I’m doing it I’m doing it” to “wow that looks amazing.”

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