Day 11: What are you looking foward to?

Day 11: What are you looking foward to?


That quiet time between Christmas and New Year.

I never, ever work during Twixtmas; it’s a rare occasion that I totally switch off and feel good about it.

(This brings up all manner of nonsense I need to deal with about proper rest, and never feeling good enough, and all of that, but let’s leave that aside for now.)

I’m so looking forward to eating lots of yummy food that is Not Healthy But Delicious (step forward cheese and biscuits, chocolates, nuts, hummus and dips and pickles okay some of it is healthy).

I’m so looking forward to reading under a blanket, and then when I need to move my butt, going for a long walk in the cold.

I’m so looking forward to playing silly games with Joe and not working on the damn bathroom for a while.

Set your timer for 5 minutes, and write about what you’re looking forward to.



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Notes in the Margin

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