Roll of yellow duck tape on yellow and blue background. Photo by Lucas Dudek on Unsplash

Day 18: Mouth Breather

Has anything been bothering you (or delighting you) that you want to talk about?

Set a timer for 5 minutes and use this space to get it off your chest.

And maybe it’ll turn into an article, or a blog post, or even a book!

I share these prompts in my daily Power Hours — if you’re struggling to make space to write every day and build a habit, come and try us out. It’s just £1 for a one-week trial.



p.s.Connect with me on Instagram and share your experience with the community. Share your writing if you want to—we’d love to read it! Tag @tinybeetlesteps and follow the hashtags #moxieJANUARY and #tinybeetlesteps

p.p.s. If Instagram isn’t your thing, you can also find me on LinkedIn and Twitter, and use those hashtags there too!

Notes in the Margin

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