Day 26: How much stuff do you have?

Day 26: How much stuff do you have?

I was looking at some old photos the other day.

Teenage me was heavy into tie-dye, fringed skirts, army jackets, and DMs (that’s Doc Martens for you digital animals).

I’d pair a floaty dress with some boots that’d kick yer head in, and layer up cheap jewellery like I was going into battle.

Then I went through a black phase: no colour, no texture, I hid. I wasn’t in a good place; not really. I wanted to blend in, to hide, to disappear into the background like the good girl I thought I should be.

It’s only in the last few years that I’ve really embraced my destiny and allowed my inner banana to shine through.

Yellow is my favourite colour, and it shows. That and hot pink. Times have changed, and so have my clothes.

How about yours?

Set a timer for 5 minutes and take a wander through the corridors of your fashion choices.

Happy writing!



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Notes in the Margin

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