Day 5: Your Superhero Origin Story

Day 5: Your Superhero Origin Story

To someone, somewhere, you are a legit superhero.

(Not a superho as I originally wrote and which made me laugh so much I nearly choked. Sorry.)

What I mean is, you run a business, right? You help people. Or maybe not; maybe you’re simply awesome at something.

Whatever you do, you will have helped someone change their life for the better, or solved a problem, or achieved a goal.

Which makes you a superhero in their eyes.

Every superhero has an origin story, and I want to hear yours. So do your clients and customers—and the people who will one day read your book.

So today’s prompt is: write your origin story. Write about how you came to do what you do.

If you run a business—why did you start it?

I hope as you write you’ll realise you don’t have to have a dramatic rags-to-riches tale to write an interesting story; all you need is vivid descriptions and real feelings about what got you started.


Set your timer for 5 minutes and write. If you’ve got more to say when the buzzer goes off, keep going!



p.s.Connect with me on Instagram and share your experience with the community. Share your writing if you want to—we’d love to read it! Tag @tinybeetlesteps and follow the hashtags #moxieADVENT and #tinybeetlesteps

p.p.s. If Instagram isn’t your thing, you can also find me on LinkedIn and Twitter, and use those hashtags there too!

Notes in the Margin

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