Book Coach In Your Pocket

Write your first draft in 30 days

A month of personalised, week-daily nonfiction book coaching starting with a 90 minute coaching session to clarify your idea, map out your reader journey, and smash your biggest mindset goblins.

Book Coach In Your Pocket is a 30-day intensive coaching safari starting with a 90-minute clarity + planning session followed by a personalised, unique-to-you message every weekday morning to get you writing, so you can…

  • Finally start that nonfiction book you’ve been putting off and write something every single day — and have your first draft done by the end of the month.
  • Get clarity on your book idea and refine it — giving you the confidence your book is not just going to be good, it’s going to be great.
  • Sidestep your procrastination, anxiety, and overthinking frustrations and just bloody write.
Vicky wears her yellow bobble hat, a puce waterproof, and looks very pleased with her cup of hot chocolate. She is up a hill in January.

Write every single day (pain-free)

I know you see people left, right, and centre getting their books written, tons of accolades on social media, interviews on podcasts, and — on the surface at least — being super successful authors. They say “here’s how I did it, you can too” then present you with a blueprint or a template or a “6 steps to a bestseller” thing and none of it quite rings true because their method won’t work for you and you’ve tried all the templates and followed all the advice and you’re sick to death of them because all you’ve got is that blank page. Still.

So I’m going to get straight to the point:

Unless your brain works the same as those people selling those templates, you’re going to struggle to see the same kinds of results. Because those templates and courses don’t show us how to work with our own unique strengths and situations. They show us how to copy someone else’s.

And that might not work for you.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, creative, or generally a human who wants to write a nonfiction book in a strong, confident voice and write a draft you can be proud of, and you’re done with your own bullshit when it comes to procrastinating and making excuses…

then Book Coach In Your Pocket is your next best move.

£2,222 (+VAT)

Book Coach In Your Pocket

A 90-minute coaching session to FINALLY get clarity on your procrastination + big book idea, map out your book structure, and eliminate your obstacles — followed by 30 weekdaily unique-to-you prompts + direction on your writing — taking you from Why can’t I write this book? to Let’s fckn gooooooooo I’m writing every damn day.

Are you one of these folks?

#1 People have told you, more than once, that you should “write a book” and you know they’re right, but…

You haven’t yet because you’re not sure which idea to run with or even if any of them are good enough to turn into a book.

#2 You’ve spent all year (and maybe longer) telling yourself and everyone else that you don’t have time to write a book…

but you know deep down that time isn’t the issue, because we make time for what’s important to us. The issue is not knowing where to start and not having any accountability.

#3 You have a brilliant idea for a book that fills a gaping hole where a book should be…

but whenever you set aside time to write, something “more important” always comes out to scupper you because the idea of being able to just sit down and write feels like a frickin’ miracle, frankly.

Take their word for it…

“The live calls for me were game changing. It’s Vicky’s zone of genius. Obviously, everybody has something they’re good at and Vicky hot seating, unpacking, and elevating people’s books is her actual Ninja skill. What she did for mine was amazing but watching her do it for others enabled me to write better.

Listening, observational learning, the opportunity of watching her hot-seat with other people, talk about language techniques, talk about bringing concepts together, just so many different literary and conceptual devices.

Watching her book coach was brilliant.”

—Yinka Ewuola

“Vicky is a god damn book genie genius. I wrote 10,000 words after our chat!”

—Jocelyn Brady

“When left to our own devices writing a book can feel like this ginormous scary uncomfortable thing that only Fancy People do, but you broke it down SO well and were SO encouraging. Vicky is one hell of a coach, period.

I was secretly worried that my idea was pointless and dumb and NO ONE NEEDED ANOTHER LADY FROM BROOKLYN WRITING A BOOK. I also worried that it was going to be too shallow to be interesting, and was an exercise best saved for my diary as opposed to something people would find genuine value in. Vicky showed me that I had nothing to be worried about—she validated my ideas and pushed me onwards.”

—Hillary Weiss Presswood

“I understand where I am going, what I am doing, how the book is developing, my reader, their journey…. Whole thing is sooooo exciting!!”

—Melanie Osborne

Kickstart Your Book

How thrilling would it feel to…

  • See your book idea in sparkling clarity and through the eyes of someone who KNOWS it could become a brilliant book, instead of continuing to doubt yourself and your big brain
  • Understand where your procrastination is coming from — and squash it so when you sit down to write, you’re able to actually DO THAT instead of just staring desparingly at the wall
  • Have your goals as a writer validated, supported, and encouraged so you can use them to create your book’s North Star — the guiding light that’ll get your book written
  • FINALLY feel like you have enough time to get this book written because you FINALLY understand what it is you’re writing about
  • Be able to answer the question “so what’s your book about” with a clear, confident, short paragraph that perfectly sums up your idea and your enthusiasm for it
  • Know you’ll be able to make progress on your book every time you set aside time to write because your idea and goals are so clear, it feels easy
  • Finish the 90 days with a good first draft of your manuscript, ready to move onto the next stage and one step closer to publishing!

You don’t have a time problem.

You have a clarity problem.

And yes I know you might be thinking, “Screw you, I DON’T have time” and that’s fair enough, if that is really the case.

But for most people I work with, their problem isn’t time, it’s clarity—and if you continue to tell yourself the reason you’re not writing your book is because you don’t have time, you’ll never start. Because you’ll never know.

When you have clarity on your book idea, you’ll find you spend your time actually writing instead of perpetually getting ready to write or researching or planning. Because we’ve all been in that procrastination-resistance-faffery stage.

That’s where your book is going to come from: clarity. That’s where the confidence to write lives.

Let’s make sure every time you get your writing tools out you actually make progress on your book, not another “planning session” in which you stare at the wall and wish you were someone else.

When your big idea for your book feels like the most obvious thing in the world to you, and you can explain it fast and clear to anyone who asks, your ability to sit down and write the damn thing is turbocharged.

And it doesn’t feel hard.

You don’t have to “know more” (you know enough), you don’t have to “find more time” (you have time, I promise), and you don’t have to become a Nobel-prize winning writer (you’re good enough) to write on your book.

Let me give you a step-by-step yet flexible approach to writing your book so by the time the 30 days is up, you’ll be able to say to people, “Yeah, I’ve finished the first draft of my book. How freakin’ cool is that?”

Let me show you how amazing your book idea is, and how powerful clarity can be in giving you the push you need to just write.

What’s included?

  • 90-minute intensive coaching on your big idea, your ideal reader, and your reader journey — and work on your author’s mindset (plus recording + my notes for you to download and keep)
  • Week-daily prompts and coaching nuggets for the following 30 days to get you writing a little bit every day and make real, sustainable, steady progress on your book
  • Ask me anything at any time during those 30 days — send me your work for cheering and brief feedback, ask me questions, hit me up when you stall and I’ll get you started again
  • 30 minute follow-up coaching call at the end of the 30 days to ask any questions, get feedback on your process, and wrap up our time together to make sure you can move onto the next step smoothly

AND, as an additional bonus, you get a month’s FREE access to my Creative Playground accountability writing sessions to help you do the work and make real progress on your book immediately.

Hi, I’m Vicky Quinn Fraser!

If you’d have told me when I was 25 and a high-school and university dropout and newly divorced bundle of anxiety that I’d write 5 books of my own, ghostwrite more than 10, and help amazing humans write dozens of books, I’d have probably laughed in your face because I couldn’t even finish a lecture or a marriage, let alone a book.

But I’ve now been an author then a book coach for almost 11 years because I figured out that there isn’t One True Way for everyone to write a book, and listening to people who tell that story only leads to shame and feelings of failure.

The secret to success when it comes to starting and finishing your book is that it’s all about what works best for YOU—and starting with a clear idea that you’re genuinely excited about.

Something you care enough about to commit thousands of words to.

I’m an expert at supporting people like you to figure out what they want their book to be about, if they even want to write a book at all, and if they do—the method that works best for them. Which won’t be the same method that works best for me, or Stephen King, or Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie.

I will never take a rigid framework and try to force you to fit inside it. Screw that. I spent most of my adult life trying to do that and it sucks. Instead, I look at what makes you tick, what lights you up, where your energy flows, and what depletes you. THEN we get cracking on coaxing that beautiful book out of your brain.

All while making sure your voice comes through sharp and clear and full of YOU, so your story connects deeply with the people who need to hear it.

There’s some exhausting nonsense happening in the world of books and publishing right now…

  • Writers pouring their blood, sweat, and tears into book ideas that aren’t right for them because someone else has said “this is what you should do” and so they never finish, or hate what they’re doing.
  • Creators like you are doubting themselves because you see others putting out their books into the world left, right, and centre and yes some of them are amazing but some of them really aren’t, and it makes you furious because you know your book could be incredible if you could just get it out of your head.
  • People are putting out shallow, rushed books as glorified business cards because someone’s told them “it doesn’t matter if nobody reads your book” and so the market is flooded with books that could be a blog post.
  • Amazing humans are talking themselves out of writing their books because they mistakenly believe their idea isn’t good enough, or that nobody would want to hear their story, or that it’s all been said before.

You want to write your book and tell your story, and I can help you do that.

I’ve got an impressive resume to prove it, too:

  • 15+ years experience of writing to make an impact
  • 5x published author (with a 6th book out soon)
  • I’ve ghostwritten dozens of books for clients, including some names you’d probably recognise.
  • I’ve done thousands of hours of consulting and mentoring with clients to help them craft their messages and write their books.
  • I’ve trained and coached dozens of authors to write and publish 58 of their own books (with more on the way), shifting their businesses and confidence to another level.

Most importantly, I’ve taken that experience and not only do I know how to talk about writing an incredible book that’ll move people to change, I know how to TEACH it.

There are a lot of courses and articles out there by people who’ve written a book and got excited about it, and then said “you can do this too, here’s how!” which is lovely but doesn’t help you — because they won’t show you how to write a book, they show you how they wrote their book.

You’re not learning MY personal book writing strategy, you’re learning to sharpen your own ideas and thoughts, and shape them into a book idea you can be proud of, and confident enough in to actually begin.

This isn’t a course or a workshop: it’s personal book coaching for a full month, plus week-daily prompts, coaching nudges, and accountability to actually make it happen.

Now this is YOUR moment to sharpen your book idea so you feel confident in your ability to sit down and write it.

Making it that much more likely that you’ll have the first draft of your manuscript finished within a month and your book ready to publish within three..

You’re going to become an author.

Creating a brilliant book you can be SO PROUD OF.

You’re going to feel the clarity, excitement, and confidence of an author most times when you sit down to write because you’re super-clear on your book idea and your reason for writing it.

I know you won’t say it, but you see others — peers, mentors, colleagues, randoms — publishing their books and it pisses you right off because here you are trying so damn hard to write yours.

And it doesn’t feel good because it’s not like you want their books to fail — you don’t, of course — you just wanna be part of the published author club too. Because you can absolutely write a book, only you’re… not. I get it.

Take their word for it…

“Have you ever thought ‘Gee I’d really love to write my weird and wonderful nonfiction book’ but then your brain is like:

“I don’t really have the time right now…

I’ll definitely get to that “tomorrow” (insert time lapse of decades whizzing by, regrets, laments, tears, etc)

  • I have 99 ideas but can’t / won’t ever decide on 1
  • Who am I to write about ANYTHING OMG WHAT ARE WORDS
  • I need someone to hold me accountable
  • Can an expert pls help walk me through this process?

Welllll my friends, THIS is a perfect opportunity.”

—Jocelyn Brady

“She made my book a good book – but more than that, she gave me the confidence to feel good about my book. She held my hand every step of the way. She validated my ideas, and saw through my fears and concerns to give me the insights, advice and kicks up the bum I needed.”

—Kenda Macdonald

“It’s very reassuring to have someone tell you, ‘You can do this’ when everyone else is saying, ‘You can’t do that, you can’t write a book.’ She took the fear out of it, and broke the whole thing down into steps rather than a great big thing.”

—Meera Jethwa

£2,222 (+VAT)

Book Coach In Your Pocket

Refine and sharpen your book idea, goals, and objectives then write the first draft of your manuscript in 30 days.

Secure your spot here:

And if you’d like to split the payments, that’s not a problem…

3 payments of £741 (+VAT)


Q: What time are the calls?

A: I take client calls on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays and you can choose a date and time to suit you when you book.

Q: How will you send the prompts?

A: That’s up to you! I offer a choice of email, WhatsApp, Telegram, or Voxer. If none of those work for you, we’ll come up with something that does.

Q: Is there a recording?

A: Yes there is, you’ll get it within 24 hours after our call.

Q: Do I get 1:1 access to you?

A: Yes! This is personalised, unique-to-you book coaching for a full month.

Q: How long do I have access?

A: You will have access to download the recording and notes and anything we create together for 1 year, and once you’ve downloaded them, they’re yours to keep for ever.

Q: Are there refunds?

A: While I want you to be satisfied with your purchase, due to the fact this is live coaching, there are no refunds offered. However, if you do all the work, follow all the prompts, and send me your work for feedback — and you don’t get your first draft done within 30-45 days, I will coach you for free until you do.