Dean Starbuck: Orchid Computers

Dean Starbuck :

If you want to stop wasting your time with suppliers who don’t reward your loyalty. If you’re prepared to change the way you do things, and you don’t mind ruffling a few feathers to get things done…..

“I know it has its advantages working one-on-one with people. And I knew I probably wouldn’t get started if I just tried. ”

Well, it’s something I was always planning to do, but there’s never a right time, as they say, you just put it off. So to contradict myself now, it’s the right time. I still thought it was a bit early for me to do. I was thinking of doing it next year, but I am in a few mentoring groups and it pushes me to do a few things. So now’s the time really.

I would say that I work better with people one-to-one. I’ve done personal training and that type of stuff. I know it has its advantages working one-on-one with people. And I knew I probably wouldn’t get started if I just tried. If I invest a small amount of money into doing something, then I’ll know I’m going to do it. Once you spend a bit of money,  you can’t let yourself down.

Did anything worry me?  I don’t think there was to be honest. I know Vicky knows John McCulloch and that’s how I heard of her before, it was in John’s group. So I didn’t really have any worries because she was recommended.

I think the coaching structured it and brought things out. Although I knew I was going to write a book, I didn’t know what angle I would have to go in. So she structured it and got me thinking that way. But as I’ve started to write, it’s evolved what she outlined, but I’ve gone off on a different way with it as well.

She was saying she had dealt with people in a similar industry, so she probably knew what would work. It really was quite a simple process.

It made you think. It was a bit uncomfortable, but anything that is going to make you think is going to be a bit tough but, I suppose, that’s how you get to the point really. It was pretty straightforward. It got me thinking in the right way.

Three benefits?

I think it’s setting out clearly the direction you’re going in and you can go into it confidently knowing you’re not going to go back on what you’ve started. I think the fear is starting something and thinking it’s not right, and then just chucking it in the bin and not starting again.

So having that clear outline.

Having the document afterwards with everything that was mentioned, and Vicky recommended to type it up in Notion so that was something else. I wasn’t sure where to write it. So once I had that, it was just a case of writing the first chapter. I had all sorts of ideas for chapters straight away. So I could just dive in and do it.

And what else was there? I think it was knowing where to begin with it. 

I’m not someone who would tell people I’m writing a book until I’ve written it.

So once it’s written, I’d probably– Sometimes I get people emailing me, I read their newsletters, and if they said they were writing books and they’re struggling with it. If I had a conversation with them, I would say, this is who helped me with mine. Definitely.

I’ve got the book Vicky wrote (the Kindle version). So I’ve kept that and I’ve read about 150 pages of it. So whenever I need to do a bit more, I’ll dip into that and it tends to push me on a little bit and give me some fresh ideas.