Episode 311: RePod: Initiative Takes Work

Episode 311: RePod: Initiative Takes Work

Show Notes

This is a repod, and we hope you enjoy it. It’s eternally relevant. Do you need kicking into action? So do we, friend. So do we. So when I saw Seth Godin’s email titled “Initiative takes effort” last summer, I filed it away as the spark of a podcast episode idea. Here is that episode! In it, Joe and I have a chat about why we struggle to get started, and what can help. Plus Vicky shares another creative non-fiction writing tip with you. Enjoy!

 Key Points

  • [2:50] Storytellers are never ever going to be unwanted.
  • [7:10] Vicky reads an excerpt of a book and explains why she loves this passage.
  • [9:30] Were there any big events that happened in your lifetime? Draw up a timeline of your life.
  • [11:05] Want to learn how to write better? This is a great activity for you to do!
  • [14:00] Why is play so important in our adult lives?
  • [18:25] Vicky needs accountability. When you have a partner to do things with, you’re much more likely to do those things.
  • [22:30] Joe explains what shrimping means in MMA.
  • [24:25] You can absolutely sit down and write a book on your own, but most people don’t.
  • [27:00] Want to write a book? Don’t do it alone.
  • [27:35] Want to learn something? Find someone to help you.

Mentioned in This Episode:


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Lord of the Silver Bow, by David Gemmell

Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown

Want to know more? I’ve written a book, you know. You can get your mitts on it here.

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If you want to learn more about how to write, self-publish, and market a book for your business, snaffle yourself a copy of How The Hell Do You Write A Book? Then check out the blog and podcast for more articles and guides. If you want a little (or a lot) more help, find out how you can work with me.

About Vicky…

Vicky Fraser is the founder of Moxie Books and author of How The Hell Do You Write A Book and Business For Superheroes. She helps business owners write life-changing books, connect with readers and new customers, and grow their businesses. When she’s not doing that, she’s hanging from a trapeze by her feet.