“Aggressively unhelpful writing advice.”
“Just open up your legs and stuff it in.”
“I love bread. I feel sorry for people who can’t eat bread.”
“Sort your face out.”
“You know, the Romantic poets have a lot to answer for.”
Just a handful of things you’ll hear on this podcast episode featuring me! Hurrah!
I love the phrase “aggressively unhelpful”—it’s very diplomatic. Coined by Katy Weber, who interviewed me for her Women & ADHD podcast, which is so good.
My episode is out now, and you can listen to it right here.
I love the title Katy has given the episode, too: “Mental maelstroms & dopamine sandwiches”.

In it, we talk about:
- How I accidentally ended up with three TinySheep.
- What my diagnosis meant for me, and why I’m profoundly grateful for it.
- How I combat the aggressively unhelpful writing advice that stops so many people from writing their books.
- The shame and horror of oversharing in polite company (and a funny story about hollow legs).
- Why my book coaching approach is based on people’s individual brains, not a one-size-fits-all “solution” that solves nothing.
The interview was really good fun, I laughed a lot, and I hope you enjoy it too.
You should totally subscribe to The Women & ADHD Podcast too — even if you’re not neurodivergent, there’ll be episodes in there that are super helpful, because this is all a continuum.
There is no “normal”.
There is just people, with different brains and experiences and abilities, and no one-size-fits-all for anything.
So, if you want to write a book, find your way of doing it.
And if you want help from someone who will never try to stuff you in a box that’s too small for you, maybe I can help.
Drop me an email and let’s talk.
There are 3 ways to work with me this summer:
- Schedule a Book Writing Therapy Session here for a lightning-fast problem solving sesh.
- Join me on a Book Breakthrough Jam for a more intensive dive into your book.
- Book a full-on VIP Book Breakthrough Day to make thrilling progress on your nonfiction book.