13 ways you can tell you’re a writer ✍🏼 👀

13 ways you can tell you’re a writer ✍🏼 👀

13 ways you know you’re a writer:

  1. You’ve been staring out of the window for an hour now and all you’ve done is doodle a flower with a horrifying face.
  2. You’re supposed to be writing but instead you’re grouting the bathroom tiles.
  3. You’ve written the same word 43 times then scratched it out and written FUCK instead.
  4. You need to pee really badly but the time to go has long passed and now you’re not sure you can stand up and walk without disaster striking so instead you’ll sit here and just write a few more words while your pelvic floor works overtime and your bladder plots its revenge.
  5. You’re kind of a weird S shape with a small but promising Hunchback of Nôtre Dame-style hump below your neck.
  6. You wrote the word suspicious and you’ve been staring at it for so long it no longer looks like a real word, and you’re questioning your entire identity as a writer.
  7. You’re supposed to be writing but instead you’re being extremely judgemental about the article you’ve just read by that guy who just published his book that you could TOTALLY have written better.
  8. You have 15 different notebooks lined up, each with a different purpose, and you don’t have to explain yourself.
  9. Your friend has just written the most brilliant piece for McSweeney’s and you really love it and also you hate them and wish their fingers would fall off so they could never write anything so wonderful again and you’ll feel like less of a loser.
  10. You got really into your words and totally forgot to eat and now it’s 10pm and your husband is yelling for you PLEASE DEAR GOD COME AND EAT DINNER BEFORE YOU EXPIRE but you just need to do one more thing.
  11. Your book collection is NOT A PROBLEM.
  12. You could totally spell “brocoli” if you wanted to, but how often do you even have to write “broccollii” anyway?
  13. When you tell people you’re a writer, they look impressed and you keep quiet about the fact that you’ve been “writing your book” for approximately 392 years now with no end in sight.


And with some of the others too (not the peeing, that’s up to you, boo).

My Book Coach In Your Pocket programme is open for August and September — there are 3 spaces for each month.

It’s a 90-minute clarity coaching call + 30 days of personalised writing prompts and coaching support tailored to you and your book, followed by a wrap-up call at the end.

By the time we’re done, if you do the work, you’ll have your first draft finished (or most of it, at least).

My client S started with me 16 days ago. At the start, they had an idea and a rough plan; at last check-in, they’d written 16,000 words and counting. Good words, too.

You can find all the details right here or book a triage call with me here and let’s see if I can help you.

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Buy My BookHow the hell do you write a book?

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Book Coach In Your Pocket: Your first draft done (or all but) in just 30 days

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Creative Playground: Write every day + get advice, support, and bonus access to my workshops! (1 week trial for £1)

p.s. Did I mention how much FUN Book Coach In Your Pocket is? Not only will you make a quantum leap of progress on your first draft, you’ll have a whale of a time doing it.