Day 26: International Dog Day

Day 26: International Dog Day

I flippin’ love doggos.

I will say hello to your dog before I even notice you. Soz.

But I’m not sure we’ll ever have a dog. We had a doggo when I was little and she was the best dog in the world: Sally, a labrador-collie cross, and the best of each breed.

She was such a delight.

Dogs are big and hairy and have giant muddy paws though and I worry that would stress me out.

Plus, the cats would be very upset and I love them more than is socially acceptable, so… nope. Not right now at least.


Are you a dog person?

A cat person?

  • whispers* neither? GASP.

Set a timer for 5 minutes and write.

Then hop over here and buy my book.

Happy writing!



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Notes in the Margin

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