Stop reading books please šŸ˜± šŸ˜–

Stop reading books please šŸ˜± šŸ˜–

Iā€™m gonna need you to stop reading books now.

WAIT ā€” hear me out.

Reading is one of the best things in the entire multiverse.

You should read. Widely and deeply and like a writer.

Read books about how to write, by all means.

Iā€™ve written several of them myself. I love Steven Pressfieldā€™s War of Art, itā€™s great; as is Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott and Stephen Kingā€™s On Writing and any other of the great and famous books written by writers on how to write.



Because if youā€™re still not writing your book despite having read The War of Art 7,493 times, thereā€™s a bigger problem.

Right? RIGHT?

ā€œUmm, are you inside my head right now? šŸ˜† Gah. No matter how many times I read Steven Pressfieldā€™s War of Art, Iā€™m still here, not writing my book ā€œbecause of all the other thingsā€ šŸ™ˆ RESISTANCE!ā€


This was a comment on one of my Instagram reels and boy do I have some things to say about it so buckle up.

At some point, you have to acknowledge that reading yet another book on how to write a book ainā€™t gonna get the job done.

Youā€™re procrastinating.

Making excuses.

Flaking out.

You do not need to know everything about the craft (thatā€™s not possible); what you need to do now is just fucking WRITE.

Which, I know, can be excruciatingly difficult because ā€” hey ā€” Iā€™m a writer too.

Iā€™ve been there. Am still there. Often.

Because how do you even get started?

What if your idea isnā€™t good enough for a book?

Do you even know what you want the book to do, for you and for your reader?

All these questions churn around in your head, and so itā€™s seductive, isnā€™t it, to reach for yet another ā€œhow toā€ because that feels like useful progress.

But it isnā€™t.

Trust me when I say it isnā€™t, because Iā€™ve been there over and over again.

Put down the writing manuals and how-tos ā€” theyā€™re no longer serving you.

Instead, hire someone to help you actually get this done.

The only way to write your book is to write your book, and I know that sounds ridiculously obvious and you might be thinking ā€œfuck you Vicky, itā€™s easy for you, youā€™re a writer.ā€

Well, I assure you it isnā€™t easy for me.

Just ask my husband about the depths of woe I descended into two weeks before my 15,000 word Masters thesis was due in, and I had 3,000 words on paper and about 10 million in my head.

Hereā€™s what I have learned to do over the years, though:

  1. Harness the panic that an imminent deadline brings.
  2. Ask for help when I need it. Thereā€™s zero shame there.
  3. Create the conditions that mean I can write what I want and need to write.Ā Sometimes evenĀ whenĀ I want to do it.

All this is by way of saying: I know itā€™s not as simple as ā€œjust fucking WRITEā€ but also it is that simple.

It really is.

So let me ask you: you want to write, right?

What are you going to do about that?

And if youā€™re serious about it, Iā€™d like to invite you to take one of my 3 August slots for Book Coach In Your Pocket.

If you do the work we plan together, and take full advantage of my mentoring + coaching service, you could have your first draft done in 30 days.


The weight that will lift, my friend, will feel like literal magic.

You got this.

I got you.

Letā€™s go:

If you want to write, letā€™s write

How to work with The MicroBook Magician

ā€‹Nonfiction Book Ghostwriting: Idea to book in just 20 weeks

ā€‹Buy My BookHow the hell do you write a book?

ā€‹VIP Book Breakthrough Day: Make a quantum leap in book progress in just one day

ā€‹Book Coach In Your Pocket: Your first draft done (or all but) in just 30 days

ā€‹MicroBook Magic: Write your MicroBook in just 6 weeks

ā€‹Creative Playground: Write every day + get advice, support, and bonus access to my workshops! (1 week trial for Ā£1)

p.s. My Book Coach In Your Pocket service is, in the words of one of my July clients, ā€œincredibleā€ ā€” so letā€™s do this!