Day 4: National Spaghetti Day—what’s your favourite pasta?

Day 4: National Spaghetti Day—what’s your favourite pasta?

Did you know that chickens LOVE spaghetti?

They will fight over it. Not proper blood-and-claws fight, but they will mug each other for spaghetti, then run off with it and sloop it up through their beaks like they’re Lady and the Tramp.

It’s hilarious.

I think they think the spaghetti is worms.

So it’s safe to say that a hen’s favourite pasta is spaghetti. As is mine! I love twirling it around my fork with the support of a big spoon, then genteely shovelling it into my largest face hole.

I like other pastas, too: fusilli is delicious and so is penne—it gathers the sauce inside its folds or tube, which is delightful. Mac and cheese is, of course, delicious—especially my friend Ruth’s vegan mac and cheese.

Farfalle, I’m less keen on because it’s troublesome to fit into my mouth.

Canneloni with spinach and ricotta filling is yum.

Today’s prompt, then, is: what’s your favourite pasta? Why? Or if you don’t eat pasta, what’s the story behind that?

Set your timer for 5 minutes and GO.

Happy writing!



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Notes in the Margin

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