Day 4: Hands for feet or feet for hands?

Day 4: Hands for feet or feet for hands?

After yesterday’s important question, today’s will seem frivolous and silly.

Because it is.

Would you rather have hands for feet, or feet for hands?

I would definitely rather have hands for feet because I frequently need an extra hand or two, and I’m very good at handstands, so that would be perfect.

I’d be able to stand on one leg—or hand—and hop along with an extra shopping bag from the car.

I’d be able to sit and read a book and do some gardening at the same time.

I’d be able to read a book and eat my dinner at the same time!

Oh my god so many things I could do.

Over to you.

What’s your choice? Set a timer and write!

Happy writing!



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Notes in the Margin

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