Everybody worries about being a good storyteller but story ain’t the big banana.
Story is just the vehicle for your IDEA.
If you don’t have a strong idea and solid point of view, your story will have about as much impact as a fart in a hurricane.
Stop worrying about your writing for 5 minutes and focus on your idea.
THEN, when you’ve nailed your idea, you can refine it and hone it and figure out what your book is about, what it’s gonna do for your reader, what it’s gonna do for you, and how you’re going to put it all together.
And if that seems like a lot, there are 3 ways I can help you this summer:
Kickstart Your Book workshop: a group workshop to do all the things everyone SHOULD do before they start their book, but nobody does. Enrolling for Tuesday, July 23 from Monday.
The VIP Book Accelerator Day. A full day with me, online, using my 4-pillar system to get:
Clarity on your unique idea and point of view.
Your book’s structure in detail, so you know exactly what to write and how to write it — with bonus feedback on tone, style, and technique.
A solid writing plan that suits YOU and that you will stick to.
The mindset piece — a shift in perspective and a toolkit to eliminate every obstacle in your way. In short: you’ll come out of it an author, knowing you can write your book and ready to get it done.
Book Coach In Your Pocket: a month of personalised, week-daily book coaching starting with a 90-minute session in which we refine your idea, map out your reader journey, and smash your biggest mindset goblins. Followed by 30 week daily prompts and coaching nuggets to get you moving. If you do the work, you’ll have your first draft done in 30 days.