The Moxie Books Blog

Where’s Your Writing At?

Wherever you are on your book writing adventure, you’ll find what you need here…

Just Getting Started?

What to do if you’re just starting out on your Author Adventure: planning, preparation, and dealing with your Inner Dickhead



  • What stories really do especially if you're a misfit

    If you’re considering not writing your book this year, think again. The world needs your story. If you are any kind of a misfit — if you don’t fit into the straight, white, male, cis-het, neurotypical, wealthy world, or if you have a message and a mission that challenges the status quo — there will be others like you looking for someone like them. Maybe your book will rock their world.

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  • What's the scariest thing you can imagine doing?

    I got a few scaries: Wriggling through potholes that are only as wide as I am. Sharing a village with people who voted for fascists. Being showered with earwigs. But those are still less scary than standing on a stage with the sole purpose of making people laugh (and think).

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  • Embrace boredom because that’s where magic happens

    If you want to write a book and you’re not doing it, your problem isn’t that you don’t have time. It’s not that you need more info. And you definitely don’t need another £49 “how to write a bestseller in a week” template. Your problem is that you are not permitted to be bored.

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  • Blog: I quit the world and went to the woods

    Standing under the shower, with sunlight dappling through the trees above me, and my feet rooted to the smooth slate stepping stone, I felt peaceful for the first time in… I don’t know. Forever. Through that stone, I could feel the Earth breathing.

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  • Ep44 - Write Your Way to a Better Work Story

    When I used to have a job, I often wondered why it sucked so much.
    Of course, part of the problem was me and my attitude. Part of the problem was my undiagnosed AuDHD.

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  • Blog: Story ain’t the big banana

    Everybody worries about being a good storyteller but story ain’t the big banana. Story is just the vehicle for your IDEA .If you don’t have a strong idea and solid point of view, your story will have about as much impact as a fart in a hurricane. Stop worrying about your writing for 5 minutes and focus on your idea.

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  • This book made me mad as hel

    The Heretics by Will Storr made me mad as hell. I got a handful of pages into it before swearing and banging it down on the bookcase, abandoning it.

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  • Do you cause your own headaches, too? 😭

    Me: why do I have a headache again? Also me: stares at sleep app showing a sleep debt of 4,184 hours.(I exaggerate but honestly only slightly.) Ah. That might be why my head hurts. And why I can see tweety birds in my peripheral vision. How can my sleep debt be this high?

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  • “I’ve had to think for myself” <- o no!

    "ChatGPT has been down today which means I’ve had to think for myself when writing my ABOUT ME section here on LinkedIn. I think I may have become too reliant on the speed at which it can help me structure my ADHD thoughts".

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